
at peak hours中文是什么意思

  • 高峰时间



  • 例句与用法
  • Traffic is very heavy at peak hours
  • Traffic is really bad at peak hours
  • The work may be stressful , especially at peak hours of the day
  • To avoid queues at peak hours , it is recommended to arrange hotel meeting service and limousine pick - up
  • Chefs may be required to work shifts , including weekends and public holidays . the work may be stressful , especially at peak hours of the day
  • This is having a significant impacts on the landuse pattern , land requirements for various economic sectors and the transportation network . these impacts are found to be beneficial in mitigating many urban problems such as in reducing traffic congestions at peak hours
  • Abstract : based on the condition of sustainble development practice in china , further explorations of the big city transportation development are made , of which include controlling the main city zone size , combining new area construction with old town environment improvement , developing new commercial central mall , planning and constructing metro reasonably , restraining central area vehicle volume at peak hour by some proper measures and enforcing public parking space constructing and management
    文摘:从可持续发展概念及我国国情实际出发,对我国大城市交通跨世纪发展战略进行了探讨.从六个方面提出了建议:它包括疏解用地布局控制主城区发展规模;加强新区建设与重点改善旧城环境相结合;辟建新型商业步行街(区) ;从城市规模实际出发,合理规划建设地铁;采取措施抑制中心城区高峰车流量及加强城市社会公用停车场布局建设及经营管理
  • As a result of the use of information technology , there is less direct contact between people . business operations are more mobile and there is also a growing trend for home - based offices . the consequences of this trend are beneficial to many urban problems such as in reducing traffic congestions at peak hours
  • On the other hand , the environmental protection department published the " practice note for managing air quality in air - conditioned public transport facilities " in november 2003 . the practice note sets the air quality objectives for such facilities and provides that the railway corporations should monitor one - hour average concentration of carbon dioxide during normal operations at peak hours at least once a year
  • 推荐英语阅读
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